Monday, March 26, 2012

"Guess who's back with a brand new rap? And I don't mean rap as in a new case of child molestation accusation"

Hey guys!  I am shocked if anyone is actually still reading this, since I haven't posted in SOOOOOOOO Long.  But if you are, then I guess you could be categorized as one of the following options; A) you really like me and think I am fantastic, B) you have no life and thus continue to check this, or C) Really actually enjoy listening to my rants about life.  Either way, congratulations for falling under one of these categories I guess!! you Win!!

So why did I decide to write an entry tonight?  Well, Good question.  This is absolutely the LAST thing I should be doing right now.  It's 12:51am right now, and I open up the coffee shop this morning...I have to be AT work at 5am...yeah it's going to be a long day.  But nonetheless, here I am watching Frasier, and P!NK's funhouse tour DVD for the millionth exaggeration there.  I have a problem.

Here is what is on my mind:

Today I went to the festival of colors.  It's my favorite day each year aside to Halloween.  I look forward to it.  However, this year I went with a different group of people than normal.  It was a rather eye opening experience.  Allow me to elaborate; Normally, I have had the same type of people who I associate with on a personal level.  It's been that way for years.  Going to an event that is normally exclusive for those friends, with people who have been in my life for such a short amount of time made me finally realize that I am in fact in a new chapter of my life.  I am not entirely sure how I feel about that.  Not that the last chapter could be considered a incredibly desirable life, but I feel as though the ending was abrupt, and no conclusive.  Not exactly how I want the "Novel" that is representing as my life to be written.  And on a separate yet still remotely relevant note, This new chapter is confusing.  So far I am NOT a fan.  Work is crazy and dramatic,  friends are few and far between aside from those who are a part of my daily routine, Roommates are a nightmare, and the dating world is overwhelming.

There is a reason I don't typically enjoy dating.  I am not sure why I keep forgetting that.  People are a mystery to me.  Nobody uses logic, ever. Period.  I wish I could change my font size effectively on just the "." just to emphasize how much I mean period.  Like never ever ever ever ever ever.   Ever.  And the next person to say "Matters of the heart are never logical", might lose a limb.  And not just any limb, an extremely vital limb ripped for their torso, or like area, with my bear hands.  I am not going to delve deep into the details, but sometimes I just feel like I want to crawl into my bed and hibernate for a couple months, and have no human contact.  Moral of the story is:  I am anxious to the point I can't sleep due to the current dating situations, and I want to throw up.  My heart feels like it's been ripped out a thousand times and trampled over, and I hate to talk like this and sound like a pubescent girl, but it is what it is.  unfortunately I cant change it.

So there you go.

Going back to the previously used metaphor, I want to fire the author of my "Novel".

And on that note, have a nice day.  Hopefully it will be from a less frustrating sense of reality.

-Bryce Kamryn-Hickman

P.S. I really am going to make a solid effort to write more fun things and more frequent, and not just the occasional I hate my life rant.  :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Depression, and Shameless Tags from Demon Barber's of Fleet Street.

Howdy Ho!

Looks like I'm back! (Finally) I would have wrote more, but if I honestly attempted to write during the last month, it would have just been bitter, nonsensical whining that wouldn't have been very entertaining. So, in that aspect...You are welcome :)

Not sure what's going on, I am just in a weird place in my life. Constantly surrounded by wonderful people, yet feeling alone. Wish I could explain it, but I can't. But, my plan is just to close my eyes, hold my breath, and eventually this time of my life will all pass. Good plan right? I'll let you know; hopefully I don't pass out or something from holding my breath. That would be unfortunate...Or on the contrary, rather fortunate. All depending on Perspective.

*pokes title* you ready for that shameless plug I referenced? Bryce is currently in a show!! Hellz yeah! I am in Sweeny Todd at the Midvale Main Street Theater. It’s the week of and before Halloween to beginning November. Like the 12th or something like that. AKA You are coming right? That's what I thought!
Not too much excitement or adventure going on now, just trying to hold on and enjoy the ride. Though I wouldn't say much enjoyment, primarily just an attempt to hold on. But Ce'st la vie right? Life is what it is, and eventually it ends. (I am awesome at stating the obvious)

Peace Out Till Next Time

-B.K. (like the fast food)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy times. (A new outlook on life)

Well...Life  has taken some interesting turns.  In a matter of a couple of weeks, I lost a best friend, quit a job (kinda), may have lost my driving privileges, broke down my car again, and the list keeps going.

BUT, oddly i feel slightly better than ever.  I can' t explain it, but with all the "shit" on the table (so to speak) I don't have as much bottled up inside me.  I feel calm, i feel sad, but ignoring the sad i feel at peace.  It's been a LONG ass time since i could say that.  Things are better.  And i refuse to let them get back to the way they were.  I am strong, Independent, Happy, and know where i am going in life! (for now)

I have a friend who has been cutting out people from her life a "spring cleaning" of friends if you will.  I feel like she is rubbing off on me.  I keep doing the same.  People need to go away.  I am me, And i don't need anyone else.  The.end.

-Signing out, a Changed Human

Bryce Kamryn Hickman

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lack of sleep = Strange music

So last week sometime, i was working all my jobs (3 of them) and going to school, i hadn't slept in 48 or more hours.  I was looking through my notes from my music 1040 class, History Of Music And Culture in the U.S., and apparently i wrote a full song.  The stranger part, i wrote it with notation.  Even stranger you ask?  The notation was like this.  I would write a chord, for example G#m or something.  and next to it write like a 2.   So G#m-2, which meant the Support was the G#m chord meanwhile the melody was sung the second note of that chord.  It makes no sense really.  The part that really boggles my mind is that i was able to figure all this out in a class that is only 1.5 hours, and write chord progressions that make any sense without a keyboard anywhere near me.  I am slightly concerned.  Anyway, the point.  I am going to post the song, obviously it's not wonderful (as i was sleeping).


Hey, there you are
you said you would never leave
Your not going very far?
Well, that I can't believe

I saw his name there
Your Coworker? Couldn't be
I deserve to know, it's fair
I'm trying hard to see

Just one thing to let you know
One thing i need before you go

Dadada Wahdaadoooh Please...

Write Me out a peice of your heart
before you leave me here on my own
if you don't, I might Just break
and don't just leave it on my phone
I sincerely need you now 
But god knows you are already gone
what made you think i wouldn't catch on?

It's been over a week,
and now you might think
I'm alright, it's just a bluff
but you don't care enough!

You don't care now
you might never have at all
So take your bow
No bravo, no encore, you won it all

Just one thing to let you know
One thing i need before you go

I'm begging you, begging you, Come on now

Write me out a peice of your heart
Before you leave me here on my own
If you don't i will just break
I will not answer my phone
I thought i would need you now
But god knows i was wrong
What made you think i wouldn't move on?

When your letter came
I couldn't bare to read it
you don't deserve the fame
turns out, I really don't need your shit

Write me out a piece of your heart
As i stand here all alone
I hope you don't plan to take
anymore, you've turned my heart to stone
I will never need you now
You've left me, you're gone
What made you think i wouldn't catch on?

I never Got your heart,
But you'll always have mine

But don't worry, I'll be fine

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Unstackable cans, Un petite peu de la français, and Muchos Much Deathen. (Rant And A Game!!)

       To begin, you may or may not already know this; but i work on the WinCo foods Freight team.  What does this mean?  I do all the hard work nobody else wants to do for shitty pay and shitty hours. (Pardon la français, s'il vous plaît?)  Want to know what makes it worse?  CANS THAT WON'T STACK!!  Will someone please explain to me the logic of putting soup in a can, that is not designed to stack?  Seriously!!  Out of all the possible containers to hold food in, other than the cancerous metal type, i would definitely choose to put it the unconvienent, and unpractical metal cylinder that won't stack.  The entire point we even think of using cans is because they stack!  It's for storage.  If they won't store, why use cans?  I could go buy soup from a local bakery that won't stack.  And yet My managers seem to think that i must stack it, Contrary to the design of the product itself.  I can't decide who is more moronic?  The soup people, or the managers forcing me to stack cans that protest the idea of being stacked.

So we are going to play a little game.  We are going to vote who gets to die first in BRyce kAmryn world.  Who is the weakest link and deserves to be slaughtered.  If you read this, I insist you vote.  You could save a life.

My supervisors?  Or Can Designers At Campbells?
The choice is yours :)

(Also i would like to thank an old friend/not-friend/idk anymore for that inside joke on muchos much deathen)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Blog Clarification

Continuing from this point on i will label the 'Genre' of blog in the title.

Generally speaking there are 4 types of blogs i will post:

Personal Updates
Rants (about things, people and life)
Art (music, fine art, clips and my personal thoughts on the matter)
Random ass satire and/or Stories.

Just be prepared :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oops I did it again.... I rambled about a Whale!! (Personal Update)

  ...haha.  So remember when i said i would start updating frequently?  I do too!  That's the problem.  I might have lied again :P  I think i may be becoming an indirect pathological liar.  I should probably work on that sometime in the near-like future.  But this time i used the word probably to negate any possible chance i don't work on it.  Though, then again me using the word "probably" is already taking a step so i guess this like ramble is completely pointless and just getting further from the point.  (I'm starting to feel like Douglass Adams, And in any case i guess this makes this rant the whale??)  In any case, back to the point.  MY COMPUTER EXPLODED!!  Though exploded my be a hyperbolized hyperbole, yes hyperbole-x2!  Mostly my already broken computer got more broken, and my Mac book's adapter died.  Moral of the story, when a mac expert tells you its about to break and to order a new one, and you don't listen.  It's your fault.  Damn me and my inability to take advice.

    I am atempting to write this, and smoke hookah... at the same time!  I am learning that we only have two hands.  I guess i never realized this till now?  Call me observant?  I would :P 

   Also on another side note.  I don't work at Clear-link anymore!  i resigned.  I now work graveyards at WINCo Foods.  Go me :P  Big pay cut, bad hours, no tuition reimbursment, no flexiblity.   You can see why I changed right?  There was no logic.  Nada tostada.  Zip.  But then again, We all know how i feel about logic?

This is all for this personal update.  Stay tuned for an upcoming fun rant in the near(ish) future (hopefully). 
(do you see the attempt to prevent the possiblility of being a pathological liar?  I do!)

B-Kam Hick (the possible pathological liar)