Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy times. (A new outlook on life)

Well...Life  has taken some interesting turns.  In a matter of a couple of weeks, I lost a best friend, quit a job (kinda), may have lost my driving privileges, broke down my car again, and the list keeps going.

BUT, oddly i feel slightly better than ever.  I can' t explain it, but with all the "shit" on the table (so to speak) I don't have as much bottled up inside me.  I feel calm, i feel sad, but ignoring the sad i feel at peace.  It's been a LONG ass time since i could say that.  Things are better.  And i refuse to let them get back to the way they were.  I am strong, Independent, Happy, and know where i am going in life! (for now)

I have a friend who has been cutting out people from her life a "spring cleaning" of friends if you will.  I feel like she is rubbing off on me.  I keep doing the same.  People need to go away.  I am me, And i don't need anyone else.  The.end.

-Signing out, a Changed Human

Bryce Kamryn Hickman

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