Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Depression, and Shameless Tags from Demon Barber's of Fleet Street.

Howdy Ho!

Looks like I'm back! (Finally) I would have wrote more, but if I honestly attempted to write during the last month, it would have just been bitter, nonsensical whining that wouldn't have been very entertaining. So, in that aspect...You are welcome :)

Not sure what's going on, I am just in a weird place in my life. Constantly surrounded by wonderful people, yet feeling alone. Wish I could explain it, but I can't. But, my plan is just to close my eyes, hold my breath, and eventually this time of my life will all pass. Good plan right? I'll let you know; hopefully I don't pass out or something from holding my breath. That would be unfortunate...Or on the contrary, rather fortunate. All depending on Perspective.

*pokes title* you ready for that shameless plug I referenced? Bryce is currently in a show!! Hellz yeah! I am in Sweeny Todd at the Midvale Main Street Theater. It’s the week of and before Halloween to beginning November. Like the 12th or something like that. AKA You are coming right? That's what I thought!
Not too much excitement or adventure going on now, just trying to hold on and enjoy the ride. Though I wouldn't say much enjoyment, primarily just an attempt to hold on. But Ce'st la vie right? Life is what it is, and eventually it ends. (I am awesome at stating the obvious)

Peace Out Till Next Time

-B.K. (like the fast food)

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