Saturday, July 16, 2011

Unstackable cans, Un petite peu de la français, and Muchos Much Deathen. (Rant And A Game!!)

       To begin, you may or may not already know this; but i work on the WinCo foods Freight team.  What does this mean?  I do all the hard work nobody else wants to do for shitty pay and shitty hours. (Pardon la français, s'il vous plaît?)  Want to know what makes it worse?  CANS THAT WON'T STACK!!  Will someone please explain to me the logic of putting soup in a can, that is not designed to stack?  Seriously!!  Out of all the possible containers to hold food in, other than the cancerous metal type, i would definitely choose to put it the unconvienent, and unpractical metal cylinder that won't stack.  The entire point we even think of using cans is because they stack!  It's for storage.  If they won't store, why use cans?  I could go buy soup from a local bakery that won't stack.  And yet My managers seem to think that i must stack it, Contrary to the design of the product itself.  I can't decide who is more moronic?  The soup people, or the managers forcing me to stack cans that protest the idea of being stacked.

So we are going to play a little game.  We are going to vote who gets to die first in BRyce kAmryn world.  Who is the weakest link and deserves to be slaughtered.  If you read this, I insist you vote.  You could save a life.

My supervisors?  Or Can Designers At Campbells?
The choice is yours :)

(Also i would like to thank an old friend/not-friend/idk anymore for that inside joke on muchos much deathen)


  1. Hahahahahahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaa. Muchos Much Deathen. Wow, that night. :D

    Anyway: I VOTE THE CAN DESIGNERS. Because I have problems with stacking cans too. Stupid can designers.

  2. The Supervisors.

    The can-people had reasons for designing the soup cans that way - more efficient, less costly (to them), thinking it's good for storage (as you said), etc.

    The Supervisors are just being retarded. If something isn't designed for something then don't use it that way.
