Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oops I did it again.... I rambled about a Whale!! (Personal Update)

  ...haha.  So remember when i said i would start updating frequently?  I do too!  That's the problem.  I might have lied again :P  I think i may be becoming an indirect pathological liar.  I should probably work on that sometime in the near-like future.  But this time i used the word probably to negate any possible chance i don't work on it.  Though, then again me using the word "probably" is already taking a step so i guess this like ramble is completely pointless and just getting further from the point.  (I'm starting to feel like Douglass Adams, And in any case i guess this makes this rant the whale??)  In any case, back to the point.  MY COMPUTER EXPLODED!!  Though exploded my be a hyperbolized hyperbole, yes hyperbole-x2!  Mostly my already broken computer got more broken, and my Mac book's adapter died.  Moral of the story, when a mac expert tells you its about to break and to order a new one, and you don't listen.  It's your fault.  Damn me and my inability to take advice.

    I am atempting to write this, and smoke hookah... at the same time!  I am learning that we only have two hands.  I guess i never realized this till now?  Call me observant?  I would :P 

   Also on another side note.  I don't work at Clear-link anymore!  i resigned.  I now work graveyards at WINCo Foods.  Go me :P  Big pay cut, bad hours, no tuition reimbursment, no flexiblity.   You can see why I changed right?  There was no logic.  Nada tostada.  Zip.  But then again, We all know how i feel about logic?

This is all for this personal update.  Stay tuned for an upcoming fun rant in the near(ish) future (hopefully). 
(do you see the attempt to prevent the possiblility of being a pathological liar?  I do!)

B-Kam Hick (the possible pathological liar)

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