Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Burnt toast cure

A Burnt toast cure
So Work... A topic I think most people in this day and age like to complain about.  I would definitely fall under this category.  I am BURNT out, burnt out like that black crumbly piece of toast jammed at the bottom of the toaster.  I don't like much sitting at the bottom of this toaster.  The "Toaster" I work for is a not so great place to work these days.  It's full of nepotism, and ignorance.  I don't know how some of these managers became managers.  Maybe they are sleeping with someone's toaster?  I don't know.

Now some of you may wonder how I wound up crusty and trapped at the bottom of this toaster, It all started by working too much too young.  I entered the workforce at the age of 14. STUPIDEST IDEA EVER!  I was working 40 hours a week from that age on, and now I am 19 and can't handle working at all really.  I am done.  I am depressed, all I want to do is die.  Not like slit my wrists die, like not go to work die.  I can't handle it.  I wish I could just go to RC willey and replace this job like I can a toaster.  Apparently I can be trapped in it like a toaster, but can't replace it like a toaster.  This is why analogies are better than life.  If life and analogies were the same, we would be a much happier human race.

So, The cure to this "burnt toast" effect?  Call in every day for a week even though you already can't miss more work?  I just tried that, didn't help much.  I came to work today with even less will power to work.  The attempt at taking some time off was like jabbing a fork in a toaster while still plugged in, at first it seemed like it would help me get out, but in the end I got zapped and am now on the floor convulsing because I am forced to work for 9 hours.  (4.5 hours completed, I am ALMOST done-ish WooT)  So then, what is the cure?  I wish I could tell you, I can't.  If I knew what the cure was, I probably wouldn't have to write about one in an online blog now would I?

For now I will have to just suffer and take extra long breaks, and fantasize via analogies in a very brycissistic manner, and hopefully this reflection will help prevent the spread of burnt toast to the rest of America.  If I can accomplish that, I will have accomplished more than Obama...which I guess doesn't say much does it?

But I am going to log off now before I start a political debate, they usually don't end well.

- Crumbly burnt toast at the bottom of YOUR toaster

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