So basically. To start off, A life update. 4 Tickets, Going to court for 5 hours on my birthday. Sounds fun right? Luckily we will be having a GREAT party that night (assuming i don't get put in jail of course).
So yes it's my BIRTHDAY!! Except that didn't really deserve those caps, WooT? I am 19? I can buy cigerettes? Too bad i don't smoke. But whatever.
Also, School starts next week! That should be interesting right? Except the whole punching a baby thing. That doesn't sound great.
And above all...BRYCE IS STILL SICK. Yes did you hear that. Still!! I am seing an ENT Specialist to xray my head and see wtf is going on in my sinus/throat/nose, etc. My theory is that i'm dying, which makes the doctors laugh, but i am serious. So if i turn up dead in the next few days, don't be shocked :D
(stay tuned a new update coming in 5 min, this one being my normal writing style)
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