Saturday, January 29, 2011

Two wrongs make a right? WTF?

So, turns out a large majority of my blog entries are focused on a center-point theme: "The Idiocy of my roommates".

Basically, When did Making a mistake become a good excuse to make another?  "Two wrongs don't make a right comes to mind"  A simple, yet annoying statement our mothers used to quote us, in an attempt to teach us how to function in life with out coming across as a total jack-ass.  Apparently either that attempt failed or simply the child refused to accept reality...either way. WTF?

let's do a case study as if we were in a law class:

"You can't drive her car you don't have a license?"

"I do too have a license!"

"it got suspended?"

"Well yeah, but that doesn't matter"

"it's against the law you dumb ass!"

"Well I drove for 3 months with a warrant out for my arrest"

"IT'S STILL ILLEGAL!!!.  If you get pulled over you go to jail"

the conversation continued in this same manner...

Explain to me the relevance of a past mistake towards it being okay to make another mistake?  In fact, isn't the PURPOSE of mistakes to learn from them.  IF you already made a mistake that makes it double worse if you make it again.  So not only is it irrelevant to the point, it's also proving my point not yours?

I just don't get it.  But then again in this specific case I am dealing with a child. A child who has been given way to much her entire life.  From her parents, teachers, Even me.  From everyone.   No body forces her to be responsible... There is 0 responsibility.  Moral of the story...When your roommate tells you to kick her out...kick her out.

Thanks for reading my rant on "mistakes"

Just frustrated with the lack of logic used in my presence.... I know I’m obsessed....but really?

 -El BRycer(o?)

It would end in an "o" if it was spanish right?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely. And yes, in Spanish it would end with an "o" because it is masculine. However, don't just think adding 'O' to thinks makes it Spanish. That gets people into trouble. XD
