Monday, January 31, 2011

SHOUTOUT TO "complicated" Relationships...and other life-like updates. (yay for not spiteful posts)

OH WOW!  IS it really?  NO really, it's FEBRUARY!! Who knew?  definitely not BRyce!

Anyway.  The last 3ish weeks reader's digest version, READY SET GO!!

New hair!  I am no longer a dirty blonde.  Yes I was pretty attractive with it, yes I miss, and overall yes it was time!  My hair is now short, and black.  No not my natural black, but darker.  Black-black.  Black like the inside of someone’s rotten soul black.  It's pretty "Hawt" as the annoying females in this world would so eloquently put it.

More holes in my body!  That's pretty cool!  Guess how many holes in my body do I have that I wasn't born with???  Say hello to Mr. Number ELEVEN!  the newest whole to our family of pincushions.  I got a ring around the upper cartilage on my right ear.  It needed to happen, I had to balance the industrial piercing on my left ear!  The. End.  I LOVE BODY PIERCINGS!  (it's a problem)

Boyfriend?  I might have a boyfriend?  it's complicated.  first off I want to give a SHOUT OUT to all YOU guys out there in a "complicated relationship".  First off they suck...except they don't.  They are special.  Every time these happen I usually care more about the person than those regular relationships out there, we all do, otherwise we wouldn't let them put us through the nine circles of hell we are forced to travel in the complications of our relationship...AM I RIGHT?  :)  Of course, I’m BRyce right?  (get it brycissistic? lol, i'm clever!)

Looking for new current housing arrangements are, how shall we put it, less than awesome? at best?  So look forward to updates as for my residence.

New car!  yes it's true, My beloved Wesley is dead.  Not just dead, but dead-dead.  Never to be driven by me again.  RIP my sweet Wesley.  On a happy note!  SAY HELLO TO MY NEW CAR MARK ANTHONY!  Tony for short when he is being a nice car!  He is sexy green, drives like sex on the freeway, and has a stereo system that makes me want to clubbing.  Its pretty much awesome!!!

I think that covers it pretty well?  Of course you can fill in the blanks with lots of drama, adventure, spending more money than possible, working on song writing, and cleaning up other people's messes as you feel needed.

-Bryce kamryn...the coolest kid eveh (more of that "eloquent" language of the younger generations I mentioned before)


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Two wrongs make a right? WTF?

So, turns out a large majority of my blog entries are focused on a center-point theme: "The Idiocy of my roommates".

Basically, When did Making a mistake become a good excuse to make another?  "Two wrongs don't make a right comes to mind"  A simple, yet annoying statement our mothers used to quote us, in an attempt to teach us how to function in life with out coming across as a total jack-ass.  Apparently either that attempt failed or simply the child refused to accept reality...either way. WTF?

let's do a case study as if we were in a law class:

"You can't drive her car you don't have a license?"

"I do too have a license!"

"it got suspended?"

"Well yeah, but that doesn't matter"

"it's against the law you dumb ass!"

"Well I drove for 3 months with a warrant out for my arrest"

"IT'S STILL ILLEGAL!!!.  If you get pulled over you go to jail"

the conversation continued in this same manner...

Explain to me the relevance of a past mistake towards it being okay to make another mistake?  In fact, isn't the PURPOSE of mistakes to learn from them.  IF you already made a mistake that makes it double worse if you make it again.  So not only is it irrelevant to the point, it's also proving my point not yours?

I just don't get it.  But then again in this specific case I am dealing with a child. A child who has been given way to much her entire life.  From her parents, teachers, Even me.  From everyone.   No body forces her to be responsible... There is 0 responsibility.  Moral of the story...When your roommate tells you to kick her out...kick her out.

Thanks for reading my rant on "mistakes"

Just frustrated with the lack of logic used in my presence.... I know I’m obsessed....but really?

 -El BRycer(o?)

It would end in an "o" if it was spanish right?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Deathbed, Life, Heaven, sheep, God, AND ME!!

 Beautiful song, I cry every time I listen to the words. (lyrics below)  I just don't understand.  I can't help but feel that we can't really feel him, see him, or anything till we get to the point we are ready to be with him.  All we can do is simply blindly follow his word?  But what is his word?  I mean scriptures, as holy and respectable as they are, they aren't the word of god.  They are ONE man's interpretation of what god wants us to do.  Granted they are great guide lines, but they aren't gods words.  God does not speak English, Latin, Japanese, or any other language.  GOD DOES NOT USE WORDS.  So how do we know which way to go?  Faith.  Faith is the answer.  But what is faith?  Honestly I think for most people faith is following like sheep having "faith" that the herder will take them where they need to be.  Does that mean that we can't get to heaven without following the herder?  NO!!  Of course it may be easier to follow like a sheep...but since when did I do anything the easy way?  So don't tell me I’m a bad person, or judge go be a sheep and follow your herder (prophet, bishop, etc) and I will find my own path.  Let's see who has the last laugh when we both end in the same place :D :D : D: :D

So overall, I think we will all have the opportunity to follow god, when it's our time.  We just have to have an open heart and follow.  however I DO not think that there is a "set" way.  I think that everyone can find their own path based on their own beliefs.  As stated before, I am no sheep and never plan to be.  The end.

-BRyce Kamryn


I can smell the death on the sheets
Covering me
I can't believe this is the end

But this is my deathbed
I lie here alone
If I close my eyes tonight
I know I'll be home

The year was nineteen forty one
I was eight years old and
Far far too young
To know that the stories
Of battles and glory
Was a tale a kind mother
Made up for her son
You see
Dad was a traveling preacher
Teaching the words of the Teacher
But mother had sworn
Went off to the war
And died there with honor
Somewhere on a beach there
But he left once to never return
Which taught me that I should unlearn
Whatever I thought a father should be
I abandoned that thought
Like he abandoned me

By forty seven I was fourteen
I'd acquired a taste for liquor and nicotine
I smoked until I threw up
Yet I still lit 'em up for thirty more years
Like a machine

So right there you have it
That one filthy habit
Is what got me where I am today

I can smell the death on the sheets
Covering me
I can't believe this is the end
I can hear those sad memories
Still haunting me
So many things
I'd do again

But this is my deathbed
I lie here alone
If I close my eyes tonight
I know I'll be home

I got married on my twenty first
Eight months before my wife would give birth
It's easier to be sure you love someone
When her father inquires with the barrel of a gun
The union was far from harmonious
No two people could have been more alone than us
The years would go by and she'd love someone else
And I realized I hadn't been loved yet myself

From there it's your typical spiel
Yeah if life was a highway
I was drunk at the wheel
I was helping the loose ends
All fall apart
Yeah I swear I was destined to fail
And fail from the start

I bowled about six times a week

The bottle of Beam kept the memories from me
Our marriage had taken a seven-ten split
Along with my pride the ex-wife took the kids

I can smell the death on the sheets
Covering me
I can't believe this is the end
I can hear those sad memories
Still haunting me
So many things
I'd do again

But this is my deathbed
I lie here alone
If I close my eyes tonight
I know I'll be home

I was so scared of Jesus
But He sought me out
Like the cancer in my lungs
It's killing me now
And I've given up hope
On the days I have left
But I cling to the hope
Of my life in the next
Then Jesus showed up
Said "Before we go"
"I thought that we might reminisce"
"See one night in your life"
"When you turned out the light"
"You asked for and prayed for my forgiveness"

You cried wolf
The tears they soaked your fur
The blood dripped from your fangs
You said, "What have I done?"
You loved that lamb
With every sinful bone
And there you wept alone
Your heart was so contrite

You said, "Jesus, please forgive me of my crimes
Sanctify this withered heart of mine
Stay with me until my life is through
And on that day please take me home with you"

I can smell the death on the sheets
Covering me
I can't believe this is the end
I can hear You whisper to me,
"It's time to leave
You'll never be lonely again"

But this was my deathbed
I died there alone
When I closed my eyes tonight
You carried me home
[Jon Foreman of Switchfoot sings, as the voice of Jesus:]
I am the Way
Follow Me
And take My hand
And I am the Truth
Embrace Me and you'll understand
And I am the Life
And for Me you'll live again
For I am Love
I am Love
I, I am Love

A complex reflection on friends. (rant on my "friends")

 A reflection on Friends...Rather "best" friends who obviously don't understand me...or life for that matter.

For those who know me well know that I’m a very logical person.  Too logical most of the time really... Well I thought that would be enough to make sense why over analyze everything.  Obviously not.  I have an obsession with the book "the color code" by dr. Hartman.  For those who have no idea who I am, I’m a red-blue combo (aka a not healthy balance).  So my personality is complex and makes than little sense, at best.

This is more of a rant than anything.  So for now my logical red side will go into submission while I finally go into catharsis-mode, and hopefully purge some of these apparently "required" emotions.

First off.  Why must we stick these labels on people?  I get it.  I was a jack-ass in high school.  I was  a freak who judged people, thought I was always right, and would never shut-up!  Honestly I really do get it.  Since when is that who I really am?  Or rather who says that's who I still am?  It's not.  Too bad people can't look up from their collection of ignorant labels to see people for who they truly are.  The sad part is when the people you thought were close, who honestly understood the complex comradery of emotions contained in my soul and personality, still are caught in this wicked web of stigmas and assumptions.  not to be that annoying guy who uses those cliché over used terms but...You know what assuming does right?  ha-ha... No, but really!

I’m so frustrated right now at the fact that people assume that just because I don't agree with you means that I don't understand you opinion, or that I accept it.  Is it so wrong that even if I DO get what you mean, that I still want to express my opinion to you?  I know that you are my best friend, but really?  Does that mean that I still can't express my opinion, even if I’m wrong?  Oddly enough I know that I’m wrong, I expressed that what I did was "bitchy" from the beginning.  I accept that I’m a bitch from time to time.  I have to be.  If I’m not a bitch I will neglect myself and continues Ely slide down a slope of continuously putting myself last.  The difference is that I’m only a bitch from time to time.  Meanwhile here you are being a consistent bitch all the time...the difference is that since you generally are a bitch, people have grown to expect that type of behavior from you. Yet, when do something out of line or bitchy, since generally I’m a pretty even-headed person, the world comes crumbling down like I crossed some sort of line.  And trust me I know if you are reading this you might think "yeah right" since when is Bryce even-headed...We are back again to I AM NOT WHO I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL.  In fact I am so desperate to leave my past self in the PAST where he belongs that I have changed my name to Bryce Kamryn...Pretty good sign that change has occurred eh?

But then again I am pretty sure that this will be taken as a "bash letter" to you.  But should I be surprised?  No...I hope you don't take it that way, but I’m more than aware of your existence to know that you will read this and think that I’m just yet again trying to "always be right" as you so "eloquently" put it every time we get in a fight.  Isn't it funny how YOU have to be right by saying I have to be right?  But whatever (yeah I just used the forbidden word).  Wow I like ""'s today.  They are rather useful to put sarcasm in desired locations.

anyway, that's my feelings at the moment.  Hopefully more of my entries won't be so "dramatic" and hateful...but I just wanted to jump out the window and run away, so I figured better just push the feelings out and try to be sane, for once.

-BRyce Kamryn.